Our All Smart IoT Solutions for Sustainability
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# Smart City
Smart Parking System
Monitor Real-Time Parking Status Reduce Carbon Emission Efficiently Embrace the future of SDA
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# Smart Agriculture
Environmental Monitor Sensor
Automated monitoring of key indicators provides property owners peace of mind about focal dimensions.
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# Smart City
Manhole Cover Detector
Enhancing Urban Safety: Manhole Detectors for Real-time Monitoring and Flood Prevention
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# Smart Logistics
Smart PadLocks
Securing Assets with Smart Padlocks: Immediate and Historical Investigation for Unauthorized Access
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# Smart Logistics
GPS Tracker
Simplified Post-Decoration with Solar-Powered GPS Trackers: Hassle-Free Installation and Enhanced Container Security
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NHR is an edge IoT provider with a global coverage, specialising in China, APAC and MEA cloud delivery.
We commit our all solutions to connect the sustainable world and move people toward a sustainable future
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Customer Stories
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# Smart agriculture
NHR's Smart Sensors and SentrolCloud Management Revolutionize Farming at Thailand University's Vegetation Farm and Orchard
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# Smart agriculture
NHR's Wireless Sensors and SentrolCloud Platform Help Chilean Horse Grain Storage Save on Waste and Loss
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# Smart City
Elementary schools in New Taipei City face serious traffic problems after school, and implement technological law enforcement to improve traffic problems.
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# Smart City
NHR's Smart Parking Sensors Deployed in World's #1 Free Zone, DMCC
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# Smart City
The installation of parking sensors and a platform for data collection and analysis.
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# Smart Logistics
Efficient Trailer-Container Pairing Automation: Saving Time, Fuel, and Emissions
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# Smart City
Implement an early detection and warning system for flood prevention in Indonesia
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# Smart agriculture
Cultivating the Perfect Environment: How NHR's IoT Technology RH Sensor is Revolutionizing Taiwan's Orchid Farming Industry
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# Smart City
NHR Deploys Over 20,000 Parking Sensors in Taipei City to Improve Parking Efficiency
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# Smart City
Partner with a local on-street parking management company
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# Exhibition
NHR to Unveil Cutting-Edge IoT Solutions at Smart Nation Malaysia 2024
New Taipei, Taiwan – August 21, 2024 – NHR, a global leader in smart transportation and IoT innovations, is thrilled to announce its participation in Smart Nation Malaysia 2024. Taking place from November 19-21 at MITEC, Kuala Lumpur, this premier event will unite industry experts, government officials, and technology pioneers to delve into the latest advancements shaping the future of smart cities. At Smart Nation Malaysia 2024, NHR will showcase its groundbreaking IoT solutions designed to revolutionize urban living. Our technology harnesses the power of data to optimize city operations and enhance the quality of life for residents. From intelligent transportation systems to real-time environmental monitoring, NHR’s offerings are crafted to drive efficiency and sustainability in urban environments. NHR’s comprehensive IoT solutions include: Smart Parking Billing System: This advanced system integrates real-time parking availability data with streamlined billing processes, minimizing administrative overhead and maximizing revenue.Smart Agriculture Monitoring System: Utilizing IoT, AI, and big data analytics, our solution provides farmers with critical insights to boost crop yields, conserve resources, and ensure food security.Versatile Asset Monitoring System: Our flexible asset monitoring solution is ideal for various urban settings, from office buildings to intricate infrastructure networks. “We are excited to be part of Smart Nation Malaysia 2024 and demonstrate our dedication to advancing smart city solutions,” said Johnson Chang, General Manager at NHR. “Our IoT technologies are designed to offer significant benefits to city governments and residents alike. We look forward to engaging with industry peers and exploring new avenues for urban innovation.” About NHR NHR stands at the forefront of smart transportation solutions, dedicated to enhancing urban mobility and safety. With a proven track record of successful implementations across the globe, NHR’s expertise and innovations have garnered widespread acclaim. ... ( Read More )
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# Press
NHR participated in a seminar, sharing the new technology of AI combined with IOT applied to train tracks
On 31st October, NHR participated in the 2023 Smart x Safe Railway Risk Management and Operational Efficiency Enhancement Symposium and Intelligent Track Device Exhibition. NHR showcased cutting-edge and reliable smart transportation solutions, attracting over 150 distinguished guests and industry professionals, with the highest representation coming from railway operating agencies and engineering consulting firms.The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Transportation Hu Xiang Lin, Director of Railway Bureau Yang Zheng Jun, Director of Taiwan Railways Administration Du Wei, and Chairman of Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation Zhao Shao Lian, among other prominent guests. Major system integration companies, engineering consultants, architects, and electrical engineers also participated. NHR shared its application of AI combined with IoT for real-time monitoring of track and carriage safety, which has been successfully implemented by the largest railway company in North America. The platform has been instrumental in preventing failures and derailments by identifying potential issues in real-time. It constantly monitors six core issues such as the images of tracks and wheels, which has led to significant cost savings and improved safety for both employees and the general public.NHR provides a solution that cameras are installed on trains, photographing the track at 96.56 km/h. Those images are sent to the edge and processed by cloud computing, which alerts a human operator in real-time whenever a defect or issue is detected. This advanced technology is expected to drive innovation in the transportation sector and enhance railway safety in Taiwan. ... ( Read More )
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# Latest case
NHR's Wireless Sensors and SentrolCloud Platform Help Chilean Horse Grain Storage Save on Waste and Loss
The horse grain storage supervisor in Chile faces the challenge of high humidity levels in the storage area. Without real-time data collection and monitoring, the grain quality cannot serve the horses. With this problem comes significant waste and loss of grain quality, which creates a massive cost for the storage facility. Therefore, the supervisor was looking for a real-time data collection system capable of setting out-limit alarms and being easy to use. NHR's solution was to deploy 120 wireless temperature and humidity sensors in every horse grain storage area. These sensors provide real-time data collection for the storage facility, allowing the supervisor to monitor humidity levels and prevent grain damage proactively. The sensors work alongside NHR's SentrolCloud management system, which provides an easy-to-use interface for the supervisor to track humidity levels across the site. SentrolCloud's management system allows the supervisor to set out-limit alarms, so if the humidity rises above a certain level, the system will send an alert to prompt action. Thanks to the NHR's wireless sensors and SentrolCloud platform, the supervisor can now easily maintain the humidity levels in each grain storage location with minimal waste and loss. The system is also cost-effective, making it easier to manage all storage locations with real-time data collection than manually checking each location. In conclusion, NHR's wireless sensors and SentrolCloud platform have solved a significant challenge for the horse grain storage supervisor in Chile. With the easy-to-use platform, real-time data collection, and out-limit alarms, the supervisor can now maintain the humidity levels for each horse grain storage area, reducing waste and loss and saving the storage facility money. ... ( Read More )
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